DEFCon Funding Opportunities for 2022-2023
DEFCon Funding Opportunities for 2022-2023

DEFCon Funding Opportunities for 2022-2023

The Digital Ethnic Futures Consortium is giving away $100,000 in grants. Visit for more information. Apply by January 13, 2023.

The CFPs for DEFCon’s Teaching FellowshipsCapacity Building Fellowships, and paid Mentor positions are live! A full description of our funding opportunities and links to the applications are available on our Grants page. Applications are due January 13, 2023

Please join us for a webinar on DEFCon Funding Opportunities on Monday, December 5th at 6pm Eastern/3pm Pacific, where we’ll discuss the opportunities and answer questions. A recording of the webinar will be posted to our YouTube channel and website for those who can’t make it. REGISTER HERE 

DEFCon Teaching Fellowships are $2500 stipends that support the development of courses at the intersections of ethnic studies and digital humanities.

DEFCon Capacity Building Fellowships provide up to $5000 to support projects that build institutional capacity for digital ethnic studies. Examples include but are not limited to: developing majors, minors, and certificates; running professional development opportunities; or bringing in speakers for workshops. 

DEFCon Mentors receive stipends of $2500 per fellow mentored. They provide up to 50 hours of assistance to recipients of our fellowships. 

DEFCon Teaching & Capacity Building Fellowships are designed for faculty (contingent and tenure-line) and librarians working at four-year or two-year public colleges and universities (excluding R1s). Graduate students are eligible to apply for Teaching Fellowships if they are designing the course for a four-year or two-year public college or university (excluding R1s) and are eligible for a Capacity Building Fellowship if they hold a faculty position at one of these institutions. 

DEFCon Mentor opportunities are available to all digital humanities practitioners, regardless of the type of institution where they work. 

Due to the conditions of our funding, these fellowships and mentor opportunities are only open to those in the U.S. or U.S. territories. 

We are able to make arrangements to ensure that fellows whose visa restrictions preclude receiving a stipend can be paid through their home institution. 

For inquiries, please contact Roopika Risam (Consortium Director) at digitalethnicfutures [at] gmail [dot] com
